The future is now

Studies show that using technologies such as Economatica can potentially increase the value of a major diploma and that of a university, boosting the conversion between deeper learning and student employability.


Scholars who choose top quality information sources use and recommend Economatica.

Prof. Bolivar - UNIFESP

Profª. Silvia - USP

Prof. Willlian - FGV

Profª. Claudia Yoshinaga - FGV

Economatica provides all the data and tools you need to enrich the knowledge of both teachers and students.

The best information sources for the Latin American stock market

A leading platform, providing the largest data set on companies listed on stock exchanges in Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Peru and Colombia, as well as all American and foreign ADR-issuing companies listed in the United States.

Now is the time to join our exclusive international club

Economatica is a trusted partner for many private and public universities around the world.

Contact us so we can become yours too.

Affiliated with more than 150 public and private Universities worldwide.

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Informações sem fronteiras

Borderless Data

Economatica also covers all companies listed in the USA, counting over 3,600 firms. This large volume of data is ideal for creating numerous sector benchmarks in Latin America and beyond, such as companies participating in over 750 ADRs listed in NY. Obtain comprehensive market data on the main global Blue Chip companies, improve your understanding of the market and provide your students with deeper insights.


The first choice of professionals

Ease of use, intelligence and more depth to inform your analyses.

A powerful Data Mining platform, being fed continuously with data that can be utilized to generate insights, perform complex simulations, build reports, compare assets, test out hypotheses and make informed decisions.


Information is power.

Why choose Economatica?

Have at your side a quick, complete and reliable tool to improve productivity and build deeper and more accurate studies.

Speak to one of our experts.